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Star Trends Archive 2022


Please note the forecasts for each of the constellations concluding this Star Trends column are done in the system of Indian astrology, called Vedic astrology, which uses the observable constellations. These are different than the signs. Even though the names of the constellations and the signs translate the same, they have different reference points in the heavens. You will notice the difference in the dates in this column compared to the typical Sun sign column that Western astrology uses. These dates reflect the constellations, which Vedic astrologers use in their forecasts.

September, October, November & December 2022 Forecast

As we enter the fall of 2022 the specter of growing inflation looms large. August recorded inflation at 8.3 percent here in the US and even higher, in double digits, in some regions of the global economy - despite the Fed's efforts to raise interest rates to tamp it down. The cost of living is over the top, and the current Chair of the Fed, Jerome Powell, has made it his mission to continue to raise interest rates until inflation abates. This has left both economists and consumers with more questions than answers.


That was the situation over forty years ago when Paul Volker became Fed Chair in 1979 when inflation was running at an extraordinary 11 percent.   In the spring of the following year the Fed raised the borrowing rate to 17 percent, and a bear market emerged in the last quarter of 1980. At the beginning of 1981, the Fed's rate was over 19 percent! The same year certificates of deposit and treasury bills and mortgage rates were also over a remarkable 18%. Economic mayhem ensued, resulting in million-dollar winners and losers on any given day, just like betting on the point spread in the NFL on any given Sunday.


The economist William Silber gives a glimpse into that slice of history in his book: Volker: The Triumph of Persistence. It details those unprecedented times and Volker's reign as Fed Chair from 1979 to 1987. Volker kept raising the Fed's rate and tightening the money supply with conviction until inflation cried uncle in 1984 despite volatility in the stock market and the reality of economic recession. Silber's book is an excellent read. If history indicates it does seem the Fed's current chair, Jerome Powell, is following the same trajectory as Volker to deal with growing global inflation that marks this period of time.


​The gifted humorist Mark Twain jested: "History never repeats itself, but often it rhymes." Time is unique, never to be repeated, but there are overarching themes and patterns during specific periods of time.   Our civil calendrical system divides the year into four periods of time, four seasons. The year is divided by the two equinoxes and solstices which mark these four seasons.   They represent the increase and decrease of light during the course of the year. It would be a fool's errand to equivocally compare the summer to the winter, as they are very different periods of time. You would be wise to compare a current summer season to a past one, as they are more equivocal periods. In this way, the overarching themes and patterns of increasing light during the summer solstice would enhance your visual clarity for the time ahead versus the overriding themes and patterns of diminishing light during the winter solstice resulting in distinct visual limitations for the time ahead.


Although we can certainly learn from the past patterns the last time inflation reared its ugly head, there are several stark differences from when Volker was Chair of the Fed. Firstly, the US, Europe, and China populations are distinctly older now, with historically record numbers of aging people in increasing economic need. This growing balance of an older population will invariably need the financial support of a younger, economically successful generation to support the shift in aging societies. Much of this younger generation, in the US in particular, is burdened with student debt, with loans totaling a record 1.75 trillion! This is true as well in other advanced economies.   Finally, the specter and speed of climate change differentiate this period from the 80's. The ramifications of extreme weather have already witnessed record-breaking temperatures and global record-breaking drought and flooding. This year, Pakistan's extreme monsoon season has submerged one-third of the country due to record flooding. Severe weather will most significantly impact farming and agrarian practices resulting in growing uncertainty in the global food chain for a world that has been increasing in population by a billion people every twelve years. The global population is now reaching 8 billion.


The aging of the US and European populations is here now, not in some distant future.   Economic productivity is now shifting to a younger generation as an older generation retires, no longer wanting or able to work. However, the soul-crushing debt of the younger generation, coupled with rapid inflationary costs of living, begs the question - will this generation be able and willing to support an aging society?   Many older generational households are already providing financial assistance to the younger generation in these inflationary times, ironically supporting those who, in short order, will be shouldering the financial burden of helping those who now support them - revealing the absurdity of this economic scenario. This economic theater aside, as I see it, the real threat is climate change, and I recommend Naomi Klein's 2014 classic:  This Changes Everything: Capitalism VS the Climate for a basic primer.   

Every two years, the planet Mars comes to perigee, his closest approach to the earth. His usual rhythm is a six-week sojourn in the constellation he is transiting. However, when he is at perigee, he can transit a constellation for up to six months. As the fiery Red Planet, this gives him all the more time to turn up the proverbial heat due to his lengthy transit. Both 2018 and 2020 featured Mars' at perigee, and each of those years set new highs for the previous hottest years on record.


Mars will come to perigee in the constellation of Taurus this year - but thankfully not as close as his perigee of 2003. As I alluded to in my past Star Trends, Mars entered Taurus on August 10th. Here he will remain, excepting a brief transit of Gemini mid-October to mid-November, until March 12, 2023. The constellation of Taurus is an earth sign in the bright part of the year. The Moon, which is an indicator of growth, is exalted here in its strongest placement, heralding the planting season north of the equator. The natural benefic planet Venus is the lord of Taurus, further reinforcing the symbolism of growth and prosperity.


The planets Mars and Venus are polar opposites ruling constellations opposite each other. The natural malefic Mars is lord of the water constellation of Scorpio, opposite earthy Taurus. In Scorpio the Moon, the indicator of growth, is debilitated in its weakest placement. It is autumn north of the equator, the light is fading. Whatever growth has taken place is now final. There is no more growth. It is now time to harvest what has been planted. The Moon and Venus are watery, warm, and inviting in the agrarian constellation of Taurus. Mars is hot and dry, tending to extreme heat and drought. Mars will be at perigee for approximately six months in Taurus until mid-March 2023. The God of War's battlefield is the agrarian constellation of Taurus - and the casualties of this battle trend to be a conflicted harvest, bright for some, bitter for others during Mars' perigee. 

September 2022

Mercury will retrograde in his own constellation of Virgo on the 9th of September. As the Latin root reveals, Mercury is a planet of commerce and business. Excepting the Moon he is the speediest of the planets circuiting all the constellations in 89 days, almost three months, which is aligned with the quarterly economic analysis.


As I have often said, not all Mercury RX's are negative. These are times when we gain new information that may be very different from the last quarter. This information depends on what planets mercurial Mercury associates with. If he associates with naturally malefic planets the message may be conflicted. If he associates with strong planets of light, the message may be illuminating.


Mercury usually transits a constellation in two weeks - however, when RX he can spend up to two months in a constellation. Mercury will remain in his own constellation of Virgo until the 26th of October. Mercury in his constellation of Virgo will be transiting opposite Jupiter in his own constellation of Pisces until the 26th of October: forecasting that this trends to be a positive Mercury RX for gaining clear information under the light of the naturally benefic planet Jupiter within his constellation. Further, the other natural benefic planet will join Mercury in Virgo on the 24th of September, creating a triumvirate of light until Venus leaves Virgo on October 18th.


This month represents a clearer time for economic and business data analysis as we come to the end of the third business quarter of 2022. Mercury's association with a strong Jupiter and Venus will bring clarity to the constellations of Virgo and Pisces and the domains of life they are associated with in your chart. The association of Mercury with the planets of light augers well for gaining new information and new data that is clarifying, as opposed to the distorted spin of the misinformation pundits. The exception to the benefic rule is do not make important decisions the day before, the day of, and the day after Mercury retrogrades and stations direct, as the flow of information is changing. Mercury RX starts on the 9th of September and stations direct on October 2nd.

October 2022

October starts with Mercury stationing in his own constellation of Virgo on the 2nd. He stays in alignment with Venus and opposing Jupiter, until the 18th when Mercury enters the constellation of Libra on the 26th of the month. Venus enters his own sign of Libra on the 18th and forms the auspicious Sarasvati Yoga. Sarasvati Yoga is created when Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter are all in the same constellation, or when Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are in their own constellations, respectively. From the 18th to the 25th of October all three planets will be in their own constellations. Sarasvati is the goddess of the fine arts, as well as spiritual knowledge. She is depicted as riding a swan transporting her to the heavenly realm of higher knowledge. This is an auspicous time to enroll in an inspirational class, and read an enlightening spiritual classic to lift you to the heavenly realm, especially during these highly polarized sectarian times where all subject to the incessant drum beat of negativity. Her planetary Yoga represents the sweet spot of this month.


Mars continues his perigee as he grinds his way into the constellation of Gemini on the 16th of the month. His transit of Gemini is brief, as he will stop in the heavens and RX on the 30th of the month as he moves ever closer to the earth. While retrograde Mars will become yet stronger as RX planets are transiting close to the earth, becoming extremely powerful due to moving more slowly. Mars will be turning up the proverbial heat for six months rather than the usual six weeks.


Further, Saturn stops in the heavens stationary direct on the 23d of the month in the sign of Capricorn. Here Saturn is exceedingly strong in his own constellation, grinding his way through the late degrees of the sign. Saturn will be formidable, moving very slowly in the later degrees of Capricorn, and Mars will be challenging, moving very slowly in the early degrees of Gemini exacerbating the inherent tension between the planets. This will be experienced in the domains of life that Saturn and Mars rule, and with the signs of Capricorn and Gemini. The end of October trends to be a tough time of frustration with both natural malefic planets being extremely powerful. Mighty Mars wants what he wants yesterday and strong Saturn denies until the day after tomorrow. Caution and patience is the virtue that will carry you through this period of time, as Saturn will always outlast and defeat feisty Mars in any battle that becomes a slog of attrition.


To further add fuel to the fire, there will be a partial solar eclipse on October 25th at 7 degrees of the constellation of Libra. Already transiting Libra, the naturally benefic planet Venus will be caught up in this eclipse with the nodes of the Moon, along with Mercury entering Libra on the 26th, joining the fray. This partial solar eclipse is a Ketu solar eclipse, as the storm planets Ketu and Rahu are now transiting Libra and Aries, respectively. The storm planets are shadow planets and literally and figuratively cast a shadow of a doubt. Ketu is a planet of liberation and loss. Liberation, if you are no longer attached - loss if you are still attached and not ready to move on. The domain of life that Libra is associated with in your chart will experience this energy to a partial degree.


The strength of the natural malefic planets coupled with this solar eclipse will give all who are capable a pause to turn inward to reflect during this shadowy time. However, those incapable of brainstorming and collaboration will most certainly descend into fault finding; the proverbial blame-storming to try to shift blame to someone else for current problems. Seek advice from trusted friends and advisors, but keep your own counsel during this challenging time. Be on guard for blame-storming tactics from both sides of the aisle as we enter the US mid-term elections. These celestial patterns are not just specific to the US political situation - they are global in reach. Those under the influence of Mars will lose their cool, so be wary, less you become weary from the onslaught of negativity that will undoubtedly become politicized right up to Election Day.   When asked for his definition of politics the late comedian Robin Williams replied: "Politics, from the Latin Poly-meaning many, and tics-blood sucking creatures." Keep cool and stay focused on the issues, not the negativity.

November 2022

November kicks off with a celestial bang with the total lunar eclipse on Election Day, November 8th! The total eclipse is at 21 degrees of Aries. Mercury, the planet of discernment and good judgment, is caught up opposite the eclipse point. Irrespective of the election results, political zealots on each side of the growing aisle will agitate to try to turn this aisle into a chasm. Lunacy, not good judgment, will prevail during this time. Opponents will fight it out until hell freezes over and then continue fighting on the ice. The air will be thick with the tinder box of controversy and extremism, combusting the olive branch of peace and reconciliation.


Lunar eclipses are not as powerful as solar eclipses, and their effects come to a head quickly leading up to the day of the eclipse. The word "lunatic", in common parlance, describes those who are under the influence of a full moon. Because it moves so quickly, averaging a degree every two hours, the moon will leave the sign of this eclipse in less than twenty-four hours. However, as the Moon leaves the constellation of Aries it will transit into Taurus the following day only to align with Mars in Taurus on November 11th. Yes, the Moon will start to wane coming off the eclipse of the 8th right into the open arms of Mars. This will be an incendiary period of time, so best to seek cover and lie low until the smoke and shadows of disinformation have been laid bare by the cold, hard facts represented by the Moon come opposite Saturn in Capricorn on the 15th of the month. The truth hurts, which is why Saturn is often said to be cruel.


Venus will ingress into Mars' constellation of Scorpio on the 10th of November, and Mars will retrograde back into Venus' constellation of Taurus on the 13th of the month. Planets, each in the other's constellation, are called a planetary exchange. Mars here is the stronger as he is closing in on perigee. Mercury also enters Scorpio on the 13th, and these planets will all stay aligned until the 2nd of December, when Mercury leaves the alignment. Venus' influence on Mercury will not be as strong as that of mighty Mars. Mars can be vicious or valorous.   His malefic qualities are well known, with a history of violence and war. His majestic qualities are equally powerful. He represents valor and right action which are the positive attributes of the spiritual warrior. He stands his ground and will not be cowed or bullied.


During this time you may be called upon to stand your ground relative to your chosen path. Peace may not be possible. Polemic debate and discourse can bring value to disagreements during the Mercury aspect with Mars this month. It may lead to a common ground for those who appeal to reason. Speak your truth and engage with those under the sway of reason. Agree to disagree or disengage from those under the influence of anger. Kindness must not be mistaken for weakness. That is the way of the peaceful warrior.

December 2022

Mars will come to perigee the first week of December as he comes opposite the Sun on December 8th in the constellation of Taurus. For some, he will trend majestic; for others, malefic. This is not a rare event but an important one, as Mars does this every two years. When planets travel close to the earth, they seem larger in the night sky due to their proximity to the earth, and it is an excellent time to view the red planet in the night sky. But this is far from his closest approach to the earth. Mars' closest approach to the earth in sixty thousand years was in the summer of 2003, north of the equator. The next time he will be this close will be in a couple of hundred years from now, in 2287.


In 2003 Mars' perigee was in Aquarius in the summer when he came opposite the Sun in Leo. We experienced the hottest summer in Europe, breaking all records since the fifteen hundreds.   His field of battle was fire and heat. The casualties of that battle were over seventy thousand heat-related deaths in Europe!   This Mars' perigee is in Taurus, the agrarian constellation of the Bull. The fertile sign of the Bull is the constellation where the Moon is exalted. Taurus also features the favorite of the Moon's twenty-seven lunar asterisms: the Nakshatra Rohini. Rohini translates to "red cow," celebrating the fertility cycle and promise of the cow's first menses and the promise of life and continuing growth.


The famous star of this lunar asterism is Aldebaran - the red eye of the Bull. Rosy red Aldebaran is placed at the wane of Rohini. Wane is an agrarian cart that carries grain. The constellation of Taurus and the lunar asterism of Rohini represent the proverbial bread basket of grain, the mana from heaven that sustains the world's growing populations. China is the most significant global producer of wheat, followed by India and the United States. The heat of Mars is not a friend to the constellation of Taurus, just as excessive heat and drought are not conducive to the planting season, which results in a poor harvest come the fall.  


Mars' transit through Taurus is detrimental to this agrarian constellation, trending to difficulties in the global food chain brought on by climate change.   The specter of soil erosion and depletion coupled with destructive farming practices will loom large in the eye of the public during this transit of Mars. This trend has been heating up for some time, yet often it takes crises to get public attention resulting in a call to arms.


Mars is often malevolent in starting the fire, but he is also magnificent and valiant in leading the charge to extinguish the fire before it spreads. The mother of valor is courage, as surely as the mother of viciousness is cowardice. Be valiant, and let courage be the virtue that guides you in whatever conflicts Mars presents to you while he transits the agrarian constellation of Taurus. 

Personal Forecast for Each of the Constellations

For those born under the constellation of Aries, April 14th – May 14th, or who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, your planet, magnificent Mars is transiting at perigee the domain of life associated with food and finances. This is a powerful placement if you are the family breadwinner to improve your financial standing. Cost of living increases due to continuing inflation can lead the Ram to take up the charge to revise the family budget and diet due to increasing expenses.   Your valor and dedication, and high standards will win the day. Mercury and Jupiter are illuminating the domains of life that are associated with health, healing, and repose. This is an excellent time to restore the Ram's work-life balance. It trends positively to get in for a check-up with your healers and get a baseline for continuing self-care so the Ram can go the distance. This is not such much for Aries, as the Ram keeps moving forward regardless of obstacles. It is for all those who trust and depend on the Ram to continue to lead the charge.


For those born under the constellation of Taurus, May 15th – June 14th, or who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, magnificent Mars is transiting at perigee the domain of life that is associated with you. The Bull needed some rest and repose to recharge. If renewed, the Bull can resume the charge but must be careful not to overdo it with this position of Mars. Overwork is front and center for Taurus due to the Bull's hardworking nature. Security is all important for the Bull's peace of mind, so steady on is advised as Mars can quickly push you past your limits.   Mercury and Jupiter are illuminating the domains of life associated with progeny, friendship, and Sangha. This is an excellent time for the Bull's children and their educational pursuits. It will be a pleasure to see them growing for family-friendly Taurus. Friendships and the communities Taurus favors trend well for the Bull and associates.   The Bull gets by with a little help from their friends with the grace and light of Jupiter in Pisces.


For those born under the constellation of Gemini, June 15th – July 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, magnificent Mars is transiting at perigee the domain of life associated with rest and repose. Ever-mobile Gemini needs to hurry up and slow it down. Take some downtime for a well-deserved rest, lest you risk burnout. This is not a good time to travel abroad; rather rest and repose will bring Gemini back to good humor. Your planet Mercury is illuminating the domain of life associated with home and family, and trends positive to move or purchase a home due to Mercury's strength during this time. Jupiter in Pisces is illuminating the domain of life that is associated with career. Career advancement has excellent potential during this time, but only if Gemini feels settled and rooted. Rootedness for mobile Gemini is the key to financial and vocational growth. The tree of career can only grow as far and firm as its deep roots allow. 


For those born under the constellation of Cancer, July 16th – August 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, magnificent Mars is transiting at perigee the domain of life that is associated with your friends and ambition. This time trends auspicious for the Crab as intense times bring forth great leaders due to the support and influence of friends. To rise, we not only need to have the right stuff but also the support of the right people. Take advantage of Mars perigee to lobby friends and associates for the valorous values and endeavors you hold dear. Mercury and Jupiter are illuminating the domains of life associated with comradery, siblings, travel, and education. Connection with the other is the emerging celestial theme for Cancer. Meaningful connection with others will give Cancer the security they crave. Educational pursuits will broaden the Crab's horizons with the opportunity to connect with some remarkable teachers and gurus. This can truly be life-changing under the influence of Jupiter's brilliant transit of Pisces.  


For those born under the constellation of Leo, August 17th – September 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, magnificent Mars is transiting at perigee the domain of life associated with your career. Mars here is very favorable for the Lion and will reinforce the authority and position of the Royal Cat. Career trends are positive for the Lion so long as they are the ruler of this domain of life. Leo does not do well as a lap cat, or a cat in waiting. The Big Cat only does well as the king of his domain. Mercury and Jupiter are illuminating the domains of life associated with finances, debt and taxes. Mercury favors financial rebalance for Leo, for at times, the Lion can be lavish and overreach and incur expenses. Now is the time to be practical. The domain of life associated with debt and taxes is currently under the bright light of Jupiter in Pisces. With rising costs and increasing interest rates, Jupiter here favors a fresh approach to debt and tax management with a knowledgeable and well-seasoned financial guru. 


For those born under the constellation of Virgo, September 17th – October 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, magnificent Mars is transiting at perigee the domain of life associated with travel and education. Mars here can excite, but caution is advised in taking too full a course load as fastidious Virgo can be easily overwhelmed. Embrace teachers and classes that inspire - not perspire. Travel is not favored with Mars in this placement. Less is more favors Virgo. Your planet Mercury is illuminating the domain of life associated with you. This is Virgo's time to be authentic, as this trends positive for Virgo's self-esteem. At the same time Jupiter is illuminating the domain of life associated with romance and relationship.   There may be many potential suitors, for when Jupiter rains it's a deluge. Suddenly you may feel exceedingly popular, with many vying for your friendship and affection. Many are called, but only choose the few who share your core values and interests that reflect your authentic self. This is a lovely time for Virgo to expand their social network. 


For those born under the constellation of Libra October 17th – November 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, magnificent Mars is transiting at perigee the domain of life associated with debt and taxes. If the current inflationary trends have left you overheated and frustrated, this can be a challenging time. Do not embrace impulsive, quick-fix solutions during Mars transit of this domain of life. Embrace a deliberate strategy with a professional financial/tax advisor to set reach reason-based financial goals that will ease financial anxiety. Mercury and Jupiter are transiting the domains of life associated with rest, repose and heath and diet. This is a very positive time for Librans to improve upon their self-care and work/life balance. Fad diets and quick fixes will not bring Librans the peace of mind they crave. If Libra's current work/life balance seems chaotic and out of control, it will only increase stress. Libra desires balance, and this time trends positive for a more balanced, informed lifestyle makeover, including a whole new way of dealing with stress. 


For those born under the constellation of Scorpio, November 16th – December 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, your planet - magnificent Mars, is transiting at perigee the domain of life that is associated with relationship and romance. If your current relationship is strong, then strong Mars here will light up your marriage or partnership. If not, then Mars most definitely will overheat this domain of life. Mars is never tepid at perigee - he likes it hot. Collaborative partnerships can excel at this time, as surely as conflicted relationships will fall by the wayside. Mars will determine that for Scorpio, so no need to worry. Mercury and Jupiter illuminate the domains of life associated with friends and progeny. This time trends positive to increase your social network, which can lead to new opportunities through friends and their resources under Mercury's influence. Jupiter's illuminative light favors conception and trends positive for educational opportunities for progeny.


For those born under the constellation of Sagittarius, December 16th – January 13th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, magnificent Mars is transiting at perigee the domain of life that is associated with health and lifestyle. This is an excellent position of Mars to increase the Archer's health-oriented goals. This time trends positive to embrace a Yoga practice, or join a health club so that Sagittarius can once again feel the burn. Just watch out for irrational exuberance with Mars at perigee. Mercury and Jupiter are illuminating the domains of life associated with career and family. Mercury favors diversity and refreshment. This can be a favorable time to diversify roles and responsibilities, break out from old patterns, and benefit career advancement. Your planet Jupiter is transiting the domain of life that is associated with home and family. This trends well for home and family, but if the Archer is not content where they live, this may be the time you consider moving or even purchasing if the price is right. 


For those born under the constellation of Capricorn, January 14th – February 13th, or those of you who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, magnificent Mars is transiting at perigee the domain of life that is associated with students and progeny. It has been a very difficult time for children and students during the pandemic. If difficulties have reached crisis levels, now is the time to make sure your progeny gets all the help and tools needed to successfully move forward. Mercury and Jupiter are illuminating the domains of life associated with camaraderie and siblings, as well as education and travel. The solitary Goat requires social solidarity with like-minded goats to buoy the spirits, and Mercury can help provide this. Jupiter is transiting the domain of life associated with education and travel. This time trends well for the sure-footed Goat, but only if the educational trajectory is on the proven upward track. Nothing off the track has value. Only the proven vintage that has taken years to mature will bring the Goat the satisfaction they demand and deserve. 


For those born under the constellation of Aquarius, February 14th – March 13th, or those of you who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, magnificent Mars is transiting at perigee the domain of life that is associated with home and family. Mars most certainly will heat up this domain of life at perigee. If Aquarius is experiencing conflict on the domestic front, these matters must be resolved less they come to a head during this period. It can be challenging and frustrating to move for Aquarius at this time, so best to be patient until clearer trends emerge. Mercury and Jupiter are transiting the domains of life associated with debt, taxes, and finances. In these times of increasing consumer costs and rising interest rates, Mercury here favors a fresh financial approach to growing debt and income erosion. The positive celestial trend for the Water Bearer is Jupiter transiting the domain of life associated with finances and income, which favors growth through knowledge-based opportunities. 


For those born under the constellation of Pisces, March 14th – April 13th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, magnificent Mars is transiting at perigee the domain of life associated with comrades and the arts. This transit trends well for Pisces for increased comradery, as teamwork reminds us that we are not going it alone. Embrace artistic endeavors to bring out the higher spiritual qualities for which Pisces is well known. Mars is the Fish's friend and will help you swim upstream to purer water. Mercury and Jupiter are illuminating the domains of life associated with romantic relationships and you. Mercury in Virgo favors a fresh approach to romantic partnership, refreshing a current relationship or starting anew. Your planet, Jupiter, is transiting the domain of life associated with you. Jupiter here trends well for Pisces, as the light of Jupiter will burn bright and clear well into the coming spring of next year to guide your way. 

May, June, July & August 2022 Forecast

As we enter May of 2022 there appears to be a cloud of uncertainty hovering over the global economy. The downward volatility of the stock market coupled with soaring inflation casts a shadow of doubt on the global economic outlook for 2022. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has leveraged the price of oil ever upward with all its inflationary correlates, with no apparent end in sight. Whether the world blames President Putin, or the US blames President Biden for the spike in oil - it makes no difference really who is to blame. The underlying reality is we live in a fossil fuel-based global economy, not in a renewable energy-based global economy.

Whenever there are natural or geopolitical disasters in the global-based fossil fuel producing nations, there are those who allege that is when traders and speculators appear to enter these markets, further increasing the volatility for profitable gain. Witness the downward spiral of oil in the spring of 2020 when oil briefly went negative due to the emergence of the novel Covid-19 virus. Traders and speculators made a lot of money as oil bottomed out. Currently, Russia's invasion has spiraled oil upward briefly to over $130 US a barrel. This has resulted in a dramatic upward spike in oil which is remarkable considering it has only been two years since oil crashed negative. Traders and speculators are flush with cash as oil is soaring. It seems to be a great time to invest in oil as oil-producing nations are showing record profits.


However, it is important to note that the natural disaster of the novel Covid-19 virus which locked down the global economy in 2020 and bottomed oil has not suddenly gone away. The world is still living with the virus in its latest mutated form. If a more virulent form of Covid-19 emerges this natural disaster could shut down global markets again resulting in the traders and speculators driving the price of fossil fuels rapidly downward - continuing to exploit yet another natural disaster on this cash cow roller-coaster ride! 

In fact, in our time of climate change, ironically exacerbated by increased fossil fuel consumption, there appears to be a higher statistical likelihood of extreme weather events in some parts of the world. This in turn will create a higher probability for traders and speculators to capitalize on these events to further roil markets for profits again and again. Nice work if you find it! And if you can't find it, you can create it every time there is a natural or man-made disaster, which results in a perfect feedback loop for short-term trading profits! So, if you are thinking of doubling down on oil's current peak, be wary. You could be headed to the valley on this roller coaster ride when the next regional, global, or man-made disaster involving oil-producing nations arrives. We must ask ourselves the following question. What lies at the root of our present global uncertainty, where world markets turn suddenly on unpredictable events in a cascade of disasters - natural and man-made - resulting in extreme uncertainty and the lack of any effective long-term planning?

In answering that question I will reprise a past Star Trends tribute to the works and words of Futurist Alvin Toffler, who passed away in 2016 at the age of 87. Toffler was a well-known Futurist whose best-selling trilogy started with Future Shock published in 1970. The trilogy was completed with the publication of The Third Wave in 1980, and lastly Powershift in 1990. As a social scientist, Toffler hypothesized that the emerging triad of science, communications, and capital was synergistically creating a rapidly changing society with no known precedent or historical reference point. Toffler coined the term "information overload" in describing the deluge of information that the digital and communications revolution explosion provided. The "roaring current of change" he coined was overwhelming personally, socially, and institutionally, creating what he termed "confusional breakdown."


His predictive warnings about the consequences of extreme change were highly accurate. He accurately predicted the development of the internet, personal computers, telecommuting, and genetic cloning. He foresaw that governments, institutions, and societies that failed to embrace the increasingly rapid rate of change would face a catastrophic demise or worse - extinction. He was among the first wave of early thinkers to comprehend fully that knowledge would become the most valued of all commodities.


Therefore, are we really surprised when sudden change - no matter the source, quickly imparts "confusional breakdown," resulting in increased security anxiety personally, socially, and institutionally? This resultant anxiety is nothing more than a sudden response to the sudden stress of change.   Rapid change has been and is now part of everyday life. Like it or not, we have come to accept this change, as well as the accompanying anxiety, even though we may not comprehend at first its immediate impact, trajectory, or outcome. Toffler suggested it was more important to understand the general theme of sudden change - rather than the specifics of change. He explained: "the rate of change has implications quite apart from, and sometimes more important than, the direction of change." We may comprehend that "change is the only constant," however, we may not necessarily fully understand the speed and accompanying stress that accelerated change brings.

Toffler defined himself not only as a futurist but also as an ancient map maker. As he eloquently expressed: "We who explore the future are like ancient map-makers, and it is in this spirit that the concept of future shock and the theory of the adaptive range is presented here – not as the final word, but as the first approximation of the new realities, filled with danger and promise, created by the accelerative thrust."  We Vedic astrologers are also futurists and ancient map makers. In the planetary map we use the planet of accelerative thrust is Mars. When Mars is strong and active the "accelerative thrust" of change is suddenly visited upon us. Toffler's book could well have been entitled "Future Anxiety" for that is the consequence we all experience in the face of accelerated change. The remedy for this sudden volatility is the opposite and reconciling force of unshakable stability, which we must possess to some degree to balance change without fear. If the planet Mars represents accelerated change, then the opposite and reconciling force of unshakeable stability is represented by the planet Saturn, who represents the constants we trust implicitly. You must ask yourselves during these times of volatile and violent change, whether it is weather, politics, or economics: where is that constant in your lives? It is from that unshakeable platform that Saturn represents where you can face the sudden change that Mars brings fearlessly. 

2022 will be a remarkable year as Mars will become exceedingly strong as he transits his own constellations of Aries and aligns with the storm planet Rahu starting this summer. Later towards the year's end, Mars will approach perigee, his closest approach to the earth, during which time he will become again exceedingly powerful in the constellation of Taurus. In contrast to Mars, this is also the year where Saturn has become immensely powerful. He is transiting through his own constellations of Capricorn and Aquarius throughout all of 2022. The placement of transiting Mars in your chart is where you will experience the "accelerative thrust" of change.


Conversely, the placement of Saturn in your chart is where you will experience the unshakeable stability. This will assist you in navigating the "confusional breakdown" that arises in such uncertain times. Let Saturn be your rock of conviction and certainty. It is from his fortress in Capricorn that you can counter the stresses of Mars' "roaring current of change" in the current roaring twenties in which we now live. This will be revealed in the forecasts for each of the constellations at the end of this column.

May 2022

The month starts out with both Venus and Jupiter together in the constellation of Pisces. Herein Venus is exalted and Jupiter in his own constellation. With both natural benefic planets of light in such a high state, this is the time to interconnect with others in pursuit of felicity and higher knowledge. The transit is fleeting so take advantage until Venus leaves Pisces on the 23rd of the month.

Mercury will retrograde this month on the 10th in the constellation of Taurus. He will remain retrograde until early June. As explained previously, not all Mercury retrogrades are negative. The salient point is not to make important decisions the day before, the day of, and the day after Mercury stops in the heavens, including his inferior conjunction with the Sun on May 22nd. The key to the retrograde period of time is whether Mercury retrogrades in a friendly constellation and with friendly natural benefic planets - or retrogrades in an unfriendly constellation with unfriendly natural malefic planets. This Mercury retrograde is the friendly constellation of Taurus. However, malefic Mars in Aquarius will aspect Mercury until the 16th of the month until he moves into Pisces. So, this Mercury trends negative with Mars for the 1st half of May and positive for the remainder of the month. Mercury will be a friendly sign forming a favorable planetary combination with the Sun, with the exception of May 22nd when he exactly combusts the Sun.

Look for volatility in the first half of the month with Mercury retrograde leading up to the total lunar eclipse on the 16th of the month, which will occur at 1 degree Scorpio. From the word lunar eclipse, we get the word "lunatic" so be on guard for the proverbial lunatics leading up to this eclipse. Feelings run high a couple of days up to lunar eclipses as people who are overly influenced by the Moon are in a state of highly charged emotions which can lead them astray. Best not to make any impulse decisions during this time, but instead wait until the second 2nd half of the month as the Moon wanes down from the total lunar eclipse and Mercury escapes the contention of Mars.


The later part of May improves celestially as Mars leaves Aquarius on the 16th and joins Jupiter in Pisces until the 25th of June. Mars and Jupiter share a fraternal bond in the mythology of India as Mars is the younger brother and Jupiter the older and wiser brother of Lord Shiva's two sons. Under the influence of Jupiter's light Mars's activities can trend more constructive than destructive. However, this is only the case when dealing with that sector of humanity who are responsive to reason, and not to the selfish ends of power. So do not expect power conflict dynamics to change at this time. Only reason-based conflict dynamics have any hope of resolution during Mars' transit with his big brother Jupiter. Power-based conflicts will continue as long as Mars has leverage, so don't expect your favorite political parties to come together and break bread. There is more likelihood of a food fight breaking out under this transit.

June 2022

June starts with Mercury stationing moving direct in Taurus on the 2nd. Important decisions should be avoided the day before, the day of, and the day after Mercury stops in the heavens. Taurus is ruled by the naturally benefic planet Venus who will transit his own constellation on the 17th of the month. He will remain with Mercury until Mercury exits Taurus on July 1st. Mercury will benefit from his best friend's association in the sign of his best friend. Whatever domain of life Taurus rules in your chart will significantly benefit from the positive association of these two planets. This is an excellent month to vacation and visit friends and loved ones. As Venus is an indicator of the arts, this is the time to initiate creative projects and visit beautiful and inspiring landscapes and artist enclaves in your travels. Take advantage of this excellent celestial energy, for it is fleeting in the face of other planetary events in the months to come.

The planet Saturn began his brief sojourn as he moved into the constellation of Aquarius in the last days of April. He will only dip his proverbial toe into the constellation of the Water Bearer for a mere couple of months before he retrogrades back into the constellation of Capricorn. Saturn will retrograde on June 4th at 1 degree of Aquarius and he will transit back into Capricorn on the 11th of July. The salient point is that Saturn has been transiting the very early degrees of Aquarius and the very late degrees of Capricorn for the last couple of months and will continue to do so for all of June and July. The domains of your life that Saturn rules relative to Capricorn and Aquarius will experience Saturn's power of contraction and consolidation during this time. If you have any planets in the first couple of degrees of Aquarius or the last couple of degrees of Capricorn, you will experience the limiting effects of Saturn at this critical juncture in the domains of life represented by Capricorn and Aquarius.

If you view Saturn's slow-moving transit as a time of non-attachment, by relinquishing or pausing goals relative to the domains of life that Saturn rules, then the effects of this transit will trend toward restorative and rejuvenating. Non-attachment can be a solid strategy of rest and retreat from the constant drumbeat of uncertainty and change. If you view Saturn's slow transit during this time as a time of attachment and double down on goals relative to the domains of life that Saturn rules, then you are more likely to feel constricted, limited, or outright defeated in these attachments. This may well open the door to a reassessment of your goals and values relative to the domains of life that Saturn rules in your chart. The reality is most of us will experience both scenarios to a greater or lesser degree. With Saturn's assistance, the critical point is that we can consciously develop a deliberative response to the "roaring current of change," peacefully releasing us from the ravages and anxiety of a volatile, uncertain world.

Lastly, at the very end of June, Mars enters the constellation of Aries on the 26th of the month. He no sooner enters his own sign than he comes directly under the influence of Saturn as Saturn exactly aspects Mars on the 27th of the month. As I have often explained, Mars wants what he wants, preferably yesterday, and Saturn delivers tomorrow, setting the stage for the birth of the virtue of patience. However, the creative process for patience lies in the conflict of these two polar opposites of the irresistible force as represented by Mars, meeting the unmovable force as represented by Saturn. The result is patience is born of frustration and fear - the negative attributes of Mars and Saturn, respectively. Together they usher in a time of existential exhaustion before the birth of patience leads us to peace.

July 2022

The month of July will trend volatile at times bordering on chaos due to the power of the malefic planets. Having entered his own constellation of Aries, Mars will be more than ready for the field of battle wherever and whenever that may be during his six-week sojourn of Aries. Further, the storm planet Rahu entered Aries in mid-March of this year. The nodes of the Moon, Rahu and Ketu always travel as an axis directly opposite each other. Now with Rahu in Aries, Ketu is exactly opposite in Libra. Rahu and Ketu are considered natural malefic planets in Vedic astrology. They are storm planets blocking out the light from the Sun and Moon during solar and lunar eclipses in the constellations they are transiting. Here in Aries, Mars and Rahu begin a six-week alignment this month.


The month of April ended with the first solar eclipse of 2022 on the last day of the month. The partial solar eclipse was at 16 degrees of Aries. The duration of eclipses is relevant for approximately six months, as that is the time interval between the next series of eclipses. Whenever a natural malefic planet such as Mars or Saturn contacts the previous eclipse point within that six-month period, the effects of the eclipse amplify according to the nature and strength of the malefic planet. In his transit of Aries Mars will exactly conjoin the previous eclipse point of 16 degrees Aries from July 20th to July 21st. Mars will be especially strong in his own constellation, trending to "cry havoc and slip the dogs of war" towards the end of July.

The two great malefic planets Mars and Saturn will each be in positions of strength. The times will trend contentious toward conflict, not conciliation as Venus will be no match for the strong malefic planets.  This sets the stage for strife due to Mars’ demands and Saturn’s unyielding nature.  You will experience the tension between these two planets in the domain of life the constellation of Capricorn represents in your chart.  You may have to stand your ground in light of other people’s increasing demands, so be prepared to fortify yourself for a siege rather than a sortie.  In the end, Saturn will remain the stronger of the two so be prepared to go the distance as your prospects will improve in the long run.  There is a very real chance of escalating national or international tension, as well as extreme weather events during this time, so plan carefully.  It is advised to not take a Pollyanna approach while Mars is strong as strife is more likely, and attempts at conciliation can be perceived as weakness.  Let your message be clear to others - they should not mistake your kindness for weakness. Chop the proverbial wood and carry the proverbial water. 

The world witnessed such events on September 11th, 2001 when Mars exactly conjoined with the previous eclipse point in the summer of 2001. This resultant war lasted twenty years as the US only withdrew its military forces last year. Now with the invasion of Ukraine, the world is faced with a war that will trend more, not less volatile with Mars triggering the eclipse point in Aries this month. In addition, as the nodes of the Moon are storm planets, these challenging planetary patterns can also be harbingers of extreme weather and extreme heat during this time. After all, Mars is a fiery planet and he will be transiting his own fire constellation of Aries to the 10th of August.   Caution is advised in travel due to the potential of extreme conflict and weather under these celestial trends. If you travel it would be wise to sign up for travel insurance as a cautionary measure.   Local travel or staycations are advised rather than long-distance travel as the familiarity of home always makes it easier to navigate sudden and extreme events as familiar resources are closer to home.   Crazy times are best experienced with those people and places you know and trust.

Having retrograded in early Aquarius in June, Saturn will move back into the constellation of Capricorn on July 10th where he will stay for the duration of 2022.   Here Saturn has the potential to become your unshakeable stability in these uncertain times as represented by the domains of life that Capricorn and Saturn are associated within your chart.

In addition, Mercury will enter the constellation of Cancer on the 17th where he will be under Mars' aspect from Aries for the remainder of the month, further ensuring volatility in business and trade which is Mercury's domain.   Mercury will transit opposite Saturn for the rest of the month coming exactly opposite Saturn on the final day of the month.   Mercury trends volatile under Mars and negative for growth under Saturn, further contributing to the volatility of business and trade for July.  

august 2022

August starts off with a big bang as Mars exactly conjoins both the outer planet Uranus, and the storm planet Rahu at 24 degrees of the constellation of Aries on the very first day. The cosmology of India divides our solar system into two groups of planets. First, the luminous planets - that reflect the spectrum of sunlight - and this group of planets concludes with Saturn. Next, the nodes of the Moon, Rahu and Ketu, are representative of shadows - the place between light as we move into darkness. Lastly, the non-luminous dark planets, of which there are ten. Uranus is one such non-luminous planet. Uranus is often depicted as Rudra in Indian mythology. His epithets are the" howler", "bringer of tears" conveying sudden and rebellious cataclysmic shifts or awakenings. The innovative western astrologer, Dane Rudhyar, derived this Sanskrit name as a surname to express his unique and non-traditional approach to astrology. 

There is always that which is lurking in the darkness - out of sight - just below the horizon of our conscious awareness. When one of the dark planets aligns precisely with one of the planets of light, that which is in the darkness comes into the light and forever alters our consciousness moving forward. Uranus represents such an awakening force. Mars will bring the awakening force of Uranus into our collective consciousness in the first week of August, as he will not only align with Uranus but also with Rahu at 24 degrees of Aries. As Mars moves quickly when direct, he will separate from both Uranus and Rahu by a couple of degrees in just a couple of days in early August.   Mars will leave Aries on the 10th of August, however, both Uranus and Rahu move much more slowly so they will remain within a degree of each other for the first half of August. 

Whereas Uranus represents sudden change and Rahu storms and shadow know that the first half of August trends to roaring change fueled by the accelerative thrust of Mars, triggering a cascade of change at the start of the month. Whatever this change may be and however it may show itself - is not as important as how we react to what Toffler calls the "confusional breakdown" inherent in the dynamic of cataclysmic change. In his strength Mars aligned with Uranus and Rahu are agents of rapid "roaring change" and "accelerative thrust" of which Toffler warned. That uncertainty will express itself in the domains of life that Aries and Mars rule in your natal chart. On the other end of the spectrum, Saturn in Capricorn is the agent of the slow rate of change we call certainty - which will express itself in the domains of life that Capricorn and Saturn rule in your natal chart. These powerful antithetical energies explain why people feel deeply ambivalent and conflicted about embracing the rapidly emerging change of our times or remaining with the seemingly certain and familiar face of stability.  

Regardless of your sign, we will all feel better once this planetary drama has played out. The tension will slowly abate when Mars leaves the sign of Aries on August 9th and enters the constellation of Taurus.   Although "confusion breakdown" may reign during this time you do not have to expose yourself to the content and agenda of the global media and their information outlets to determine your personal reality. What is important to them may not be to you. Why not take a media break from the ongoing shock and awe during this time? There is no need to dance into the fire of fear and panic that Mars often presents on his battlefield.   Later in the month on the 20th, Mercury enters his own constellation of Virgo and comes opposite Jupiter in his own constellation of Pisces. Mercury and Jupiter will remain strong and in this alignment until the middle of October, which trends to a less volatile time for business and a better time to make clear-eyed life-affirming decisions.   

Personal Forecast for Each of the Constellations

For those born under the constellation of Aries, April 14th – May 14th, or who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, your planet Mars, with Rahu and Uranus, will be transiting the domain of life associated with you during this time. You may wish to break out and turn over a new leaf urgently, but resist this radical adventurism in favor of a well-thought-out plan to ensure that this new leaf can actually take root and grow.   Stay focused on career goals during this time, and you will succeed in overcoming obstacles. Rome was not built in a day.   Saturn will be transiting Fortress Capricorn which is associated with the domain of life which is your vocation. His rock of certainty is your professional reputation. Your dedication and high standards will win the day and each succeeding day.   Saturn also rules your friends so invite their input and assistance to help you break out of old routines, negative self-talk, and bad habits. Long-standing friends are sure to see you through thick and thin, especially in these uncertain times.


For those born under the constellation of Taurus, May 15th – June 14th, or who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars, Rahu, and Uranus are transiting through the domain of life associated with rest and repose. The Bull requires a vacation as he has been plowing the proverbial fields far too long. This is your time to step back from work time and gradually take downtime the next couple of months to refresh and rejuvenate. Security is all-important for the Bull's peace of mind, so make sure you have a rainy day fund in case of any unexpected expenses that may arise in these uncertain times. Saturn in Fortress Capricorn is transiting the domains of life associated with your worldly and educational pursuits. The Bull loves to learn and staying intellectually and consciously engaged will buoy the spirits. If you have a spiritual or conscious path now is the time it will be of service to you. Saturn trends well for your vocation in the long run, but a short retreat or sabbatical to roam the free range will restore the Bull's creative drive.


For those born under the constellation of Gemini, June 15th – July 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars, Uranus, and Rahu are transiting the domain of life associated with your friends and communities. Watch for sudden disruptions within the communities and friendships in which you circulate. Be open to change, but do not abandon your long-term goals in the event of sudden setbacks - stay the course regardless. Saturn in Fortress Capricorn is transiting the domain of life associated with your debt and taxes. This is an excellent time to embrace a financial audit of your income and expenses to develop a rock-hard financial plan that will eliminate your debt and increase your self-worth. It may be daunting to see your self-worth in dollars and cents, but from this financial rock bed, you can begin your ascent to the financial summit - just like the sure-footed goat that is the symbol for Capricorn - one step at a time. The summit will be in view sooner than you think. 


For those born under the constellation of Cancer, July 16th – August 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars, Uranus, and Rahu are transiting the domain of life that is associated with your career. If you feel like a dirty bomb has changed the topography of your vocation in this time of volatile change, you are not alone. Great times produce great leaders, so do not be afraid to show you've got the right stuff to be at the helm of change. Reorganizations and reshuffling in your career can lead to new opportunities as the old hierarchy goes the way of the dodo bird. Saturn in Fortress Capricorn is transiting the domain of life associated with relationships and marriage. If your life partner is in for the duration, then you can be assured you are on sold rock bed during this volatile time. If your relationship has successfully weathered difficult times in the past, it is a fortress that has and will withstand the current stresses. If not, then be alert for cracks in the rock bed as they appear. Take the time to mend them so they do not become fissures.  


For those born under the constellation of Leo, August 17th – September 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars, Uranus, and Rahu are transiting the domain of life associated with travel and education. Suppose your educational trajectory is being disrupted and not giving you the juice and recognition that is important to the Regal Lion. In that case, this could be the time to take a step back and reassess your educational goals. Best to keep travel local, not international, during these uncertain times of conflict. If you must travel, plan to take out travel insurance as a precaution against unexpected changes in your plans. Saturn in Fortress Capricorn is transiting the domain of life associated with your health.   This is an excellent period of time for the Regal Lion to embrace a lifestyle shift with a long-term focus on improved self-care. Perhaps you have looked in the mirror and do not recognize the Regal Lion but instead see the Big Cat, who is now the Bigger Cat. Not to worry - be a Cool Cat and in time, a Svelte Cat embracing a gradual lifestyle shift that will shed those pounds to reclaim your Lion's pride.


For those born under the constellation of Virgo, September 17th – October 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars, Uranus, and Rahu are transiting the domain of life associated with debt and taxes. If you feel you are overspending and living a lifestyle beyond your current means, this can be the time to embrace a less taxing lifestyle that will focus on debt consolidation. Although you may wish for radical change at this time, you do not have to live like a monk! Consult an experienced financial planner, and don't fall for any radical financial or tax avoidance schemes or scams. Saturn in Fortress Capricorn is transiting the part of your chart that is associated with your creativity and children.  This is an excellent time for focus on your children's long-term goals and plans. It is a competitive world out there, so now is the time to build your child's confidence by helping them set realistic goals. Creative energy is favored, but only if you can apply that energy to reasonable goals. The world is full of talented people who have not realized their dreams as Inspiration needs the rock bed of hard work and perspiration to be successful.


For those born under the constellation of Libra October 17th – November 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars, Uranus, and Rahu are transiting the domain of life associated with your partnership and marriage. If your partnership is going through a melt-down, this is the time to reach out for help. Libran's are usually convivial and understanding, but it is not enough to understand that this is time of volatile change - you need strategic and transformative tools to help you and your partner cope with change. Saturn in Fortress Capricorn is transiting the part of your chart that is associated with home, family, and real estate. Sure, your house is worth more in today's absurd real-estate market, but more importantly, it is home? Is the area or neighborhood in which you live supportive and aligned with your age-appropriate life goals? Where you live is the rock bed of your daily existence, so now is the time to ask yourself whether your home is for the short run or the long run? Once you realize this, the steps you will need to take will become self-evident over time.


For those born under the constellation of Scorpio, November 16th – December 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, your planet Mars, Uranus, and Rahu are transiting the domain of life associated with your health and co-workers. In this time of dramatic change, Scorpio's daily work routine and self-care have been challenged as many are working from home, where the work/life balance has become distorted and blurred. You will feel the need to suddenly break away from your current position, searching for a more fulfilling work/life balance. Indeed now is the time to explore those options but not the time to make a radical shift - less you become even more exhausted by implementing sudden change. The energy is more stable in later August, moving forward for such change. Saturn in Fortress Capricorn is transiting the domain of life associated with siblings, camaraderie, and communications.   Many fair-weather comrades will up and leave when the celestial weather changes, so be on the lookout for tried and true foul weather associates who have seen it all as your faithful companions. They are the rock bed of dependability. Tested and proven people will carry the day for Scorpio, as it takes a village.


For those born under the constellation of Sagittarius, December 16th – January 13th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars Uranus, and Rahu are transiting the domain of life associated with creativity and children. The pandemic has been challenging on students of all ages, resulting in stress and anxiety from the elementary to the university experience. During this volatile time, ensure your children have the proper management tools to help them cope with the long-term effects of stress on their mental health. If the Archer feels his creative arrows are off the mark, perhaps now is the time to change both bow and quiver. The promise of change has the potential to jerk you out of old creative ruts. Saturn in Fortress Capricorn is transiting the domain of life associated with your finances. This can be a challenging placement, but only if you are in denial about your financial health. The adage "no money - no honey" rings true - but "less is more" will carry the day. Get a grip on your financial health with a seasoned financial advisor. Slowly you can come out of the red into the preferable black - which is Saturn's color. The strength of a person is not what they can do but what they can do without. Happiness is a state of existence not dependent on stuff.


For those born under the constellation of Capricorn, January 14th – February 13th, or those of you who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars, Uranus, and Rahu are transiting the domain of life associated with your home, family, and real-estate. If you own a home - or homes - you may feel you have hit the lottery in this inflationary period. However, history never forgets. Back in 2009-2010 the real estate market bottomed out in a dramatic bubble that had a worldwide consequence in what was called the Great Recession. If you need the money, now could be the time to cash out, provided you have another place you can call home. You never know you are in a bubble until it pops. Your planet Saturn in Fortress Capricorn is transiting the domain of life associated with you.   Your sure-footedness toward reaching your goals will pay dividends during this time. Stay on the determined course you have set for yourself. If you are trusted and respected, it will be your time to shine; if you have not yet been tested you will have to prove to others what you are made of during this volatile time. You must realize this is not a fluke - you have earned this as respect and reputation only develop over time like a proven vintage.


For those born under the constellation of Aquarius, February 14th – March 13th, or those of you who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars, Uranus, and Rahu are transiting the domain of life associated with siblings, camaraderie, and communications.  This can be a disruptive time with brothers and sisters as the volatility of the times may impact those you know and love. Be a trusted comrade to those in need and ensure your tech devices are up to date and protected from all the bad actors and scammers that rear their heads during volatile times. Your planet Saturn in Fortress Capricorn is transiting the domain of life associated with rest and repose. This is the time to step back and rearrange your work/life balance in favor of less work and more time restorative time - especially if you are feeling the burn, or perhaps feeling more burnt-out.   Early to bed will improve your clarity and performance, and dedicated time off will ensure you will not run dry. This is the time to replenish the Aquarian Aquifer. It is hard to care for and about others when you cannot care for yourself. 


For those born under the constellation of Pisces, March 14th – April 13th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, Mars, Uranus, and Rahu are transiting the domain of life that is associated with your finances. Even if you are not on a fixed income, these inflationary times have hit everyone's pocketbook, and the Fish's finances are no exception. You may feel the need to engage in more risky ventures to improve your financial bottom line, but this volatile time may prove that increased risk to be a fool's errand. In times of economic volatility, you can seemingly be rich at the start of the day and seemingly be poor by day's end in unstable markets. It is best to examine your appetite for risk with a seasoned financial advisor to avoid any fishy financial schemes. Saturn in Fortress Capricorn is transiting the domain of life associated with your friends and communities.   This is a favorable period if your friends and associates share your values. Those principles and connections are your rock bed of certainty in these uncertain times. Tried and true friends have evolved and proven themselves over time. Others do not.   Don't worry - time and Saturn is on your side if you need to rectify the situation. 

January, February, March & April 2022 Forecast

On December 25th 2021 the James Webb Telescope was launched into space and became operational in January of 2022. The Hubble Telescope launched in the late ‘80s had been considered the best telescope ever built as it had the ability to see in the visible and short wave spectrums.  The extraordinary views of the cosmos it revealed took us back about 13.4 billion years, about 400 million years after the Big Bang. In addition to being able to see in the visible spectrum, the James Webb can see in the longwave spectrum, revealing a cosmos that was not visible to the Hubble, allowing it to see some 200 million years further back in time than the Hubble and closer to the Big Bang.

With its exceptional ability to see within 400 million years since the Big Bang, the Hubble not only changed our perception of the Cosmos, it also challenged our perception of the solar system.  Its ability to see into the darkness led to discovering other non-luminous celestial bodies in the solar system. These exciting discoveries changed the way we viewed the solar system influencing astronomers to proclaim a new model of the solar system in 2006. 

This new model created a new category of planet annotated as a dwarf planet.  Pluto, the furthest planet in the solar system was now categorized, along with several other celestial bodies into that category as the International Astronomical Union officially ended the solar system, not with Pluto, but now with Neptune.  Hubble enhanced our ability to see into the darkness beyond Pluto, granting us a more comprehensive view within our solar system and beyond.  The celestial bodies it revealed challenged astronomers to come up with new astronomical categories and paradigms to explain all that could now be seen in the short-wave spectrum of light. 

​This epiphany of revelation not only challenged the current astronomical paradigm, it also challenged current astrological thought now that Pluto was no longer considered in the solar system - and no longer categorized as a planet.  The debate will continue with the launching of the James Webb Telescope as we learn more about the origins of the Cosmos and our solar system: the place we call home in the universe.

In regards to this debate, the astrology of India has much to say about the current state of astronomical affairs.  The name of astrology in Sanskrit is Jyotisha and the name is derived from the root word Jyoti - which means “light.” Light in physics subscribes to wave theory; the visible spectrum of light we can see, and the invisible spectrum of light, in which we cannot see. The invisible spectrum consists of the ultraviolet spectrum, or short wave spectrum.  This is the spectrum in which we cannot see, but the Hubble Telescope can see. The invisible spectrum also consists of the infrared spectrum, or long wave spectrum.  This is also the spectrum in which we cannot see, but the James Webb Telescope can see.  

James Webb telescope

The paradigm of Vedic astrology, the “study of light,” divides the planets of our solar system into two categories.  The first being those planets that reflect the spectrum of the Sun’s light, as none of the planets have their own light - they receive it from the Sun. These are the luminous planets, and Saturn is the last of the luminous planets representing the end of the luminous solar system. The second category of planets is called non-luminous, and of these, there are a total of ten non-luminous planets.
Vedic astrology embraces the luminous planets in practice, and the more luminous a planet, the more powerful and beneficial is its influence, with Jupiter and Venus being the most beneficial.  The non-luminous planets are dark and the range of their influence is thus limited, much more diminished than the planets of light.


Vedic astrologers also consider the shadow planets, Rahu and Ketu, as these are the potent planets that cause eclipses to the principal planets of light - the Sun and the Moon.  These planets have the ability at times to temporarily distort or dim the light, but only during eclipses. Not all Vedic astrologers consider the dark, non-luminous planets in their forecast due to their diminished influence, although Neo-Vedic astrologers like myself use Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.  After all, the study of Vedic astrology is literally the study of light, not the study of darkness.  Many observe that there is already enough darkness in the world and the goal of humanistic Vedic astrologers is to bring more light.
The current categorization of planets in Vedic astrology is very consistent with what the Hubble Telescope has revealed. I hope that the James Webb Telescope revelations will trend in a similar direction. Now that we are able to see in both spectrums with the tandem of both telescopes, both astronomers and astrologers are eager to study the new data in reference to our respective cosmological paradigms.  Regarding Vedic astrology - the timeless astrology of India - the more things change, the more they stay the same. 

January 2022

January 2022 starts with Mercury transiting the constellation of Capricorn.  He will retrograde in Capricorn on January 14th.  When retrograde, Mercury will remain in a constellation for up to two months rather than his usual two-week transit. Not all Mercury retrogrades are negative in influence.  Because Mercury will spend up to two months in a constellation, the influence depends on whether Mercury associates with the natural benefic or malefic planets.  This Mercury RX is in Capricorn, ruled by the naturally malefic planet Saturn. Saturn is currently transiting Capricorn and will remain in the same sign as Mercury until Mercury leaves Capricorn early in March.

As Saturn is a naturally malefic planet and is strong in his own sign of Capricorn, this Mercury RX will trend negative due to the strength of Saturn.  Negativity and pessimism will gain traction during Mercury’s long transit of Capricorn coupled with his alignment with Saturn.  Whether it is the toll of the ongoing pandemic or the specter of inflation in an uncertain economy, you need to be on guard not to be overcome by the feeling of fatigue and defeatism. It is best not to make important decisions while fatigued and the day before and after Mercury retrograde or turns direct in the heavens. These days are January 14th and February 3rd. It is best to be mindful and take life one day at a time until Mercury leaves Capricorn on March 5th.  Mercury then enters the constellation of Aquarius and aligns with the natural benefic Jupiter.


The month of January starts with Venus also retrograde in the constellation of Sagittarius.  In Vedic astrology, all planets are more powerful when retrograde as they are transiting very close to the earth and moving more slowly. Therefore they remain longer in a given constellation magnifying their effect.  After the Moon, Venus is the brightest planet in the night sky, followed by Jupiter.  As a planet, Venus is an indicator of our connectivity with each other and our feelings of attachment to that and those that we love. At the same time, retrograde Venus leads us to assess the strength of our relations with others. Do they live up to the magnitude of light that Venus represents?  If strong, our relationships will continue to grow; if not, they will come under scrutiny and revaluation.  Whatever domain of life the constellation of Sagittarius represents, you will feel the powerful influence of Venus at work until he leaves Sagittarius in the last days of February.

During his retrograde cycle, Venus will exactly conjoin the Sun in what is called his inferior conjunction, which occurs on January 8th.  During his combustion with the Sun, Venus will disappear from view until he gains at least ten degrees from the Sun, which occurs later in January after the 16th.  At that time, Venus will reappear in the heavens, which is a cause for celebration.  The classic Indian texts say to avoid marriage and important decisions regarding relationships until Venus again graces the night sky with his brilliant light.  Venus will stop in the heavens on January 29th, when he will resume his forward motion. 

February 2022

February starts with Mercury stationing direct on February 3rd in Capricorn where he will remain with Saturn until the early days of March.  Now that Venus has resumed his forward motion in Sagittarius, he will slowly but surely start to gain speed.  Both Mercury and Venus, when direct, move very quickly transiting a constellation in a couple of weeks.  When close to the earth and retrograde, their movement slows down and they spend a couple of months, not weeks, in a constellation.  As said, it depends on what planets they associate with that will determine their influence for positive or negative.
While Venus was moving slowly through Sagittarius the planet Mars entered that constellation in mid-January.  Venus normally moves much faster than Mars, easily outdistancing him, but during February Mars will match Venus’s slow pace and catch up with Venus, where they remain in close proximity. They will be mere degrees apart in the constellation of Sagittarius until they exactly align on February 15th the day of the full Moon.

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter who, like Venus, represents the heavenly realm of higher reason.  In the mythology of India Jupiter and Mars are brothers, and Jupiter’s constellation softens Mars’ headstrong nature. This influences Mars to more constructive than destructive behavior.  The Mars/Venus alignment on the day of the full mid-month will be indicative of an intense period when feelings will run high, filling up and spilling over. Be on guard for impulsive decisions that are driven by passion or impatience, rather than higher reason as represented by the sign of Sagittarius.  This will be a time that tests your self-restraint and self-discipline as Mars/Venus’ special cozy relationship is now only beginning and will not end for some time.       
Both Venus and Mars will leave Sagittarius and begin their transit of the constellation of Capricorn on February 27th.  While Sagittarius is ruled by the naturally benefic planet Jupiter, Capricorn is ruled by the naturally malefic planet Saturn.  As Venus and Mars enter Capricorn, they will be welcomed by Saturn -now residing in his own constellation at the height of his prowess.  It just so happens that Capricorn is the sign in which Mars reaches his greatest strength of exaltation.  The cozy relations between Mars/Venus will fade and now trend to contention, with Mars and Saturn gaining the upper hand over Venus for some time to come.  

March 2022

March starts with Mars and Venus in lock-step where they will again exactly align on March 6th - but now in Capricorn.  They will remain in close contact until Venus picks up speed gaining distance on Mars as the month progresses as Venus leaves Capricorn on the 30th of the month.  Being in his sign of greatest strength Mars will exert his full fury.  While in Jupiter’s sign Mars trended more constructive, but be prepared - as you will see his more destructive side while he transits Saturn’s sign.

The two great malefic planets Mars and Saturn will each be in positions of strength. The times will trend contentious toward conflict, not conciliation as Venus will be no match for the strong malefic planets.  This sets the stage for strife due to Mars’ demands and Saturn’s unyielding nature.  You will experience the tension between these two planets in the domain of life the constellation of Capricorn represents in your chart.  You may have to stand your ground in light of other people’s increasing demands, so be prepared to fortify yourself for a siege rather than a sortie.  In the end, Saturn will remain the stronger of the two so be prepared to go the distance as your prospects will improve in the long run.  There is a very real chance of escalating national or international tension, as well as extreme weather events during this time, so plan carefully.  It is advised to not take a Pollyanna approach while Mars is strong as strife is more likely, and attempts at conciliation can be perceived as weakness.  Let your message be clear to others - they should not mistake your kindness for weakness. Chop the proverbial wood and carry the proverbial water. 

On the 15th of March the shadow planets Ketu and Rahu will change constellations, which they do every year and a half.  As storm planets and harbingers of eclipses, they will now enter the constellations of Libra and Aries.  The domains of life that Libra and Aries represent in your natal chart will now experience these agents of change for the next year and a half. While Ketu will be transiting the constellation of Libra ruled by Venus, Rahu will be transiting the constellation of Aries ruled by Mars.  During this transition time, Mars will be casting his aspect on both his own sign and Rahu from his most powerful position in Capricorn at the height of his prowess. Thankfully, Mercury will leave the constellation of Capricorn on March 5th as he enters the constellation of Aquarius, where he will spend most of the month influenced by the benefic planet Jupiter, rather than malefic Saturn.  Mercury and Jupiter exactly align on the 21st of the month and separate when Mercury enters Jupiter’s sign of Pisces on the 23rd.  This represents a time for clear communication as Mercury escapes the grasps of powerful Mars and Saturn who both now reside in Capricorn.   

April 2022

The month of April features several important celestial events, as it starts and ends with a bang; the Mars/Saturn alignment early in the month, and the first partial solar eclipse of the year in Aries on the 30th.  Mars comes to the exact degree of exaltation at 28 degrees of Capricorn April 4th, and on that very same day, he exactly aligns with Saturn at 28 degrees of Capricorn.  At the same time, Mars also exactly aspects Rahu at 28 degrees in Aries. Further, Saturn at 28 degrees Capricorn exactly aspects Ketu at 28 degrees of Libra!  The challenge of the powerful Mars/Saturn alignment casting their malefic light on the storm planets Rahu and Ketu trends to the beginning of a very difficult, obstructive time. Challenges that present themselves during this period will be difficult and take time to resolve.  This will be especially true for the constellations of Aries, Libra, Capricorn, and Cancer and the domains of life they represent in your chart as revealed in the forecasts for each of the constellations at columns’ end.  

In mundane astrology, Capricorn represents governments and business, while Cancer represents the home and family. This period represents a likely escalation, not a lessening of tension between world governments.  The rising cost of food, housing, and real estate unfortunately also trends negative and conflicted during this planetary alignment.  Peace will not rule the planets and love will not rule the stars - even though the benefic planet Jupiter is transiting the sign of Aquarius for the first half of the month.  Sadly more strife in the world as April comes in like a Lion, not like a Lamb and ends with a solar eclipse. 

However, the stellar news for April is Jupiter will be leaving Aquarius and moving into his own constellation of Pisces on the 13th of the month.  Since March of 2020, Jupiter has been transiting Saturn’s constellations of Capricorn, moving into Aquarius, then back into Capricorn, then Aquarius again in November of 2021.  In Saturn’s signs, Jupiter’s beneficial light has been greatly reduced. In hindsight, it certainly appears to have been a long and depressing two-year slog with the light of optimism and hope in short supply. The current mindset has the potential to change mid-month as Jupiter enters his own sign where he is at the height of his strength.  Jupiter remains in a constellation for approximately one year - which grants him the time he needs to light the way forward out of the darkness caused by the current global pandemic. 

Just as there is a time of darkness, there is also a time of light in the eternal rhythms of the planets. Since Saturn entered his own sign of Capricorn in 2020, and Jupiter became weak, we have witnessed an exceedingly dark period of time.  As Mars leaves Capricorn on April 6th, and Saturn leaves Capricorn on April 27th, the strength of the dark planets will be waning - just as the strength of the bright planet Jupiter is waxing.  The month of April heralds the celestial pivot point representing the end to darkness and the return of the light.  While Jupiter transits the water constellation of Pisces he will also cast his glorious light on the other water constellations of Cancer and Scorpio.  The domains of life that Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio represent in your chart will greatly improve during Jupiter’s jovial transit of his own constellation, where he will continue to grow in light holding the forces of darkness at bay.  

Personal Forecast for Each of the Constellations

For those born under the constellation of Aries, April 14th – May 14th, or who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Mars/Saturn alignment in Capricorn is occurring in the domain of life associated with your profession.  You may have a sense that you are treading water, or worse, being swept downstream under this negative alignment.  It makes sense to persevere until late spring or early summer and if circumstances do not improve, look elsewhere in employment.  Jupiter in Pisces is now transiting the part of your chart that is associated with rest and repose. Perhaps it is time for the Ram to take a step back, not a step forward - you may be just trying too hard.  The storm planets Rahu and Ketu are now transiting over the horizon of your chart, influencing the domains of life associated with both you and your relationships.  Change is in the air for Aries, and change is best when progressive and well thought out - not radical or reactive in nature.  Aries loves change but prefers large denominational bills.


For those born under the constellation of Taurus, May 15th – June 14th, or who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Mars/Saturn alignment is occurring in the domain of life associated with higher education and long-distance travel.  If your current educational field has been overgrazed, this represents a time to take a step back and access your trajectory.  The Bull may feel fenced in as travel has been sparse during the pandemic. Later in the late spring or early summer will favor a time to travel and air out the soul.  Jupiter in Pisces is now transiting the domain of life associated with your friends and communities. This welcomes and favors connecting with other like-minded people to mitigate the Bull’s feelings of isolation. The storm planets Rahu and Ketu are now transiting through the domains of life associated with rejuvenation and health.  This represents a restorative time of implementing new self-care habits to improve the Bull’s disposition so he can get back to plowing his favored fertile fields. 


For those born under the constellation of Gemini, June 15th – July 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Mars/Saturn alignment is occurring in the domain of life associated with debt, legacies, and taxes.  If mobile Gemini is experiencing the burden of debt during this time, do not despair.  Examine expenses and eliminate those that are unnecessary, but with financial guidance, continue those that are connected to life goals.  The positive news for Gemini is that Jupiter is now transiting the domain of life associated with career.  This is an excellent time for career advancement and the opportunity to make more money which directly impacts your debt burden. Let Jupiter help you find that proverbial pot of honey at the end of the vocational rainbow.  The storm planets Rahu and Ketu are now transiting the domains of your life associated with friends and progeny.  Rahu favors new friends to assist you in reaching your goals. It is time to reach out and meet like-minded people.


For those born under the constellation of Cancer, July 16th – August 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Mars/Saturn alignment is occurring in the domain of life associated with your relationship or marriage.  If the state of your relationship is leaving the Crab crabby, now is the time to seek counsel or seek separation.  Wisdom dictates not to act in haste but rather with deliberation later in the spring or early summer.  The positive news for Cancer is that Jupiter is now transiting the domain of life associated with higher education and travel.  Perhaps a visit to friends and family will help relieve your sense of acute pressure.  Even better, this is an excellent time to pursue educational goals, which Jupiter doubly favors.  The storm planets Rahu and Ketu are transiting the vertical axis of your chart, influencing career and family.  This could herald a move for Cancer connected to career advancement, as Rahu in the domain of career favors change but only for the better! 


For those born under the constellation of Leo, August 17th – September 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Mars/Saturn alignment is occurring in the domain of life associated with your health and hygiene.  As previously said, the Lion’s pride can take a hit during this time as their energy can flag in the face of continuing pressure.  If this is the case, it will require a cold hard look in the mirror to face the fact that the Big Cat may have become a tired Cat in desperate need and help to chart a course to wellness for the duration. That course is favored in late spring or early summer.  Jupiter is now transiting the domain of life associated with your debt, taxes, and legacies.  This is an excellent time to retain a financial advisor to sort out debt and the complexities of taxes and legacies. If solvent the Lion will roar all the way to the bank. The storm planets Rahu and Ketu are now transiting the domains of life associated with higher education, long-distance and short-distance travel.  If the Big Cat is feeling fenced in, perhaps the road calls?  This can be that time to let the top down to air out your regal mane. 


For those born under the constellation of Virgo, September 17th – October 16th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Mars/Saturn alignment is occurring in the domain of life associated with your creativity and progeny.  You may have perceived you have been aimlessly bouncing about desperately needing to take some downtime to restore your creative juices and resilience before heading back into the game of life. Be patient as this takes time.  Jupiter is now transiting the domain of life associated with relationship and also is shining his brilliant light on the domain of life that is associated with you! Jupiter here favors friendship and romantic relationships, which can definitely assist Virgo in getting their creative mojo back.  The storm planets Rahu and Ketu are now transiting the domains of life associated with debt and finances.  Virgo needs to implement a sustainable budget or financial plan during this time to keep their creative juices flowing in a world that has just become more expensive.


For those born under the constellation of Libra October 17th – November 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Mars/Saturn alignment is occurring in the domain of life associated with home and family.  During this time, if lovely Libra finds a lack of love with their home or the area in which they reside, the mood will certainly trend toward leaving or uprooting.  This should be done with great care and deliberation, not in haste as the grass is always greener someplace else until you must mow it!  Late spring and early summer is a good time to come up with a plan.  Jupiter is now transiting the domain of life associated with your health and hygiene.  This trends positive to make any healthy lifestyle changes that will serve you in the long run.  The storm planets Rahu and Ketu are now transiting the domains of life associated with your relationship and self.  Librans may perceive they are at a crossroads wishing to bring about big life changes.  Only take action after prolonged self-deliberation. 


For those born under the constellation of Scorpio, November 16th – December 15th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Mars/Saturn alignment is occurring in the domain of life associated with comrades and siblings.  Your planet Mars has been experiencing burn-out and existential fatigue, so this can be a time for a time away from your responsibilities, especially your responsibilities toward others.  The positive news for Scorpio is Jupiter is now transiting the domain of life associated with your creativity and children.  This is a time of positivity for your children and the joy you experience with them and from them.  Jupiter will also shine his light on Scorpio, making it an excellent time for you as well.  The storm planets Rahu and Ketu are now transiting the domains of life associated with health, hygiene, rest and repose.  Although strong and determined as you are, you are not unbreakable.  The storm planets herald that Scorpions start to make healthy lifestyle choices for the long run.  


For those born under the constellation of Sagittarius, December 16th – January 13th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Mars/Saturn alignment is occurring in the domain of life associated with finances and food.  Utilize this time to examine your diet to guarantee it is in service to your lifestyle.  Perhaps it is time to improve your culinary skills, as the cost of eating out has skyrocketed. Think of the money you will save.  The good news for the Archer is that your planet Jupiter has now come to its own constellation in the domain of life associated with home and family.  This is an excellent time for Sagittarius to lay down roots in the pursuit of happiness.  You deserve it as your planet has not been at its strongest over the last two years.  The storm planets Rahu and Ketu are now transiting the domains of life associated with your friends and creative energy.  If the creativity in your friendships is gone and you can’t get it back, start thinking about expanding your social circle in search of new friends.  


For those born under the constellation of Capricorn, January 14th – February 13th, or those of you who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Mars/Saturn alignment is occurring in the domain of life that is associated with you.  Your planet Saturn is tasking you with self-examination and self-awareness.  Capricorn may temporarily be feeling down, and the goals you have set may seem far away, but in the long run, this is merely an illusion.  Remember Capricorn is the Goat - the greatest of all time. You will get there, but more slowly, one step at a time.  Jupiter is now transiting the domain of life associated with your comrades and siblings.  Jupiter will assist you to reach out to like-minded brothers and sisters to bring balance to this solitary period of time.  The storm planets Rahu and Ketu are now transiting the domains of life associated with home, family, and career.  The new you that has been a work in progress will bring you to a crossroads having a profound influence on self, home, and career. 


For those born under the constellation of Aquarius, February 14th – March 13th, or those of you who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Mars/Saturn alignment is occurring in the domain of life associated with rest and repose.  This alignment continues to task Aquarius to rebalance in favor of less.  Your planet, Saturn, demands you take a seasonal break from the exhausting merry-go-round of non-stop activity.  Jupiter is now transiting the domain of life associated with food and finance.  This transit will feed you, not only for the body but for the mind and spirit as well.  Finances can also improve under Jupiter’s transit.  The storm planets Rahu and Ketu are now transiting the domains of life associated with comrades and higher education and travel.  If your educational trajectory is not taking you up there where you belong, perhaps it is time to change up the curriculum, the program, or even the school or college in which you are enrolled. 


For those born under the constellation of Pisces, March 14th – April 13th, or those who have their Vedic Moon or rising sign therein, the Mars/Saturn alignment is occurring in the domain of life associated with your friends and ambitions.  We all get by with a little help from our friends, but if the Fish finds flip-flopping and no-show friends, what is the point of continuing these relationships?  The good news for the Fish is that your planet Jupiter has now come to Pisces, the domain of life associated with you!  This powerful transit of Jupiter trends positive for the affairs of the Fish well into 2023 as Jupiter spends approximately one year in a constellation.  The storm planets Rahu and Ketu are now transiting the domains of life associated with finances, tax, and debt.  Do not be surprised that finances and taxes have become more complex and aggravating.  So, why not meet with a financial or tax advisor sooner than later for smooth financial sailing while Jupiter is strong in your sign.  




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